Shepperton Design Studios
Other Imperial Helmets
Imperial Gunner |
Along with a number of other helmets, SDS
released the Imperial Gunner in 2007, despite the ongoing legal conflict
with Lucasfilm (which moved from the US to the UK courts the previous year).
Again SDS produced what appears to be a very accurate version of this
rarely-seen helmet. |

However as with the TIE helmet its missing the
front Imperial "cog" decal which is presumably a throw back to the LFL Court
case. Made of a glossy material which looks like either Styrene or HIPS. |

Looking at the comms box it is as far as I know
the only one to get the precise detailing correct which again suggests its
directly derived from an original. |


Above a shot showing its long rear swoop and
below a final shot of the helmet showing what looks like a grey acrylic
visor, chin strap and cup |

..and below a screen grab from a LFL tour
showing an original DS Gunner Helmet. I will review this fully in due course
when I can get my hands on one. If you have one of these helmets and want to
do a review then please email me |

Imperial Fleet Helmet |
I'm not totally sure what these are called
-although the toy figures were called "Death Squad Commander's" so
that's what I'll always think of them as. |

Its difficult to say how accurate this is since
there's very little information available on them. I've been fortunate to
have handled many different kinds of original ANH helmets but never this one |

Above and below, this is the best I could come
up with showing one of the new SDS helmets above and a behind the scenes
1976 shot of the helmet in production. However what is not known is whether
this version was the type seen on-screen. |

Below a photo that shows off the side "ears"
quite well. Clearly taken from the TIE helmet ears they typify the "reuse
whatever you can" which seemed to be the mentality of ANH's production back
in 1976. |

...and below a nice front shot showing the chin
cup and strap. |

Above and below, screen-grabs are inconclusive
as its really difficult to make out the detail of this helmet without seeing
an original. At least 12 were made in 1976 so I would have thought one or
two would still be left? Note that some were remade for RotJ but were
slightly different. |

I will review this fully in due course when I
can get my hands on one. If you have one of these helmets and want to do a
review then please email me |
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