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Imperial Helmets, Armor and Costumes
SW Movies Character Appeared in
- ANH, ESB, RotJ, AotC |
Brief Prop and Costume History
For Star Wars - A New Hope, Imperial Helmets such as the Fleet
Trooper and Death Star Gunner were produced by Andrew Ainsworth at
Shepperton Design Studio's in 1976. Their designs based on art work and
drawings from Ralph McQuarrie and John Mollo - with the latter providing
Ainsworth with a couple of real-world US Forces helmets from which some of
the final designs were derived.
For The Empire Strikes Back McQuarrie and Mollo were again called
upon to produce additional helmet designs including at Elstree (which by
1979 had expanded their vac-forming capabilities). For Return of the Jedi
it was the responsibility of Nilo Rodis-Jamero to design the look of
various new characters including the red Imperial Royal Guard (IRG) which
also featured fleetingly in the prequels.
From a licensed perspective, only Altmann's produced
replica Imperial Fleet or DS Gunner helmets - although Don Post did produce
a quality Imperial Royal Guard from RotJ - as did Altmann's.
A number of unlicensed producers have delivered some really excellent
Imperial helmets from ANH including Andrew Ainsworth/Shepperton Design
Studio's DS Gunner and Fleet Trooper. |
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