Fan Made - Misc Imperial Helmet's
Death Star Gunner (ANH)

I'm very impressed with this!
Jorid's sent me these shots of his scratch-built excellent DS Gunner
helmet. I'm not sure of its scale but he says it is bigger than the
undersize Altmanns helmet. |

Referred to as the
"Jawbone" helmets during production. The original helmets were
made at Shepperton Design Studios by Andrew Ainsworth. |

However as you can see Jorid's done a superb job at replicating
the helmet. |

Note the control box and antenna on
the left hand side of the helmet and the long sweep down the back. Its
great when people tackle the lesser-know helmets and Jorid's done an
excellent job on this. Below, here's a photo of my old CA-type helmet,
now owned by delboy73 of thesithtrainingtemple.com. I made the finish on mine duller as having looked at screen-shots from ANH the
on-screen originals had a far from glossy appearance (see lower down for comparison). |

During production this helmet was
referred to as the "jawbone" |

Its made of white ABS, which I've
sprayed satin black. I've tried to match the screws with the same machine screws
used on the originals (like all of the original SDS helmets they were just
bolted together) |

Its had about 4 coats of Gloss
Black, and then a slight buffing. Here's a couple of
comparisons again screen-grabs and it doesn't look too dissimilar to the
originals... |
The angle and lightings not the same
but you get the point. |
Imperial SnowTrooper (ESB) |
Michel and Joerg from Germany have
sent me these pics of their excellent Snowtrooper Helmets and Costumes.
They used 3mm thick high-gloss ABS. The helmet was vac formed on a self-made
table. |


The original mold we cast off came in two parts (dome and
backdside). they made one plaster forms and connected both to one mold. A
small amount of cleaning up and finishing to get as close as possible on the reference shots of the original ones. The stripe around the dome
was added later and they used double-layered green metallic foil for the lenses. |

The apron was made from white blanket you normally use for truck-trailers. So it's very thick and resistant. The weathering was made by
water based mix of black and brown color. |

Well this is the first fan-made snowy
on StarWarsHelmets.com and I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with
Michel and Joergs work - a credit to the German Garrison! In addition,
SSProps in Italy has also produced a superb looking Snowtrooper..... |

I understand they've spent a lot of
time perfecting the costume, but having done so they've produced
something that is really accurate. The backpack below also looks spot-on. |

Excellent looking product, and below shown as a composite
using an original frame from the movie. |
